I gather up what you should know by all means before aliasis with the experience that lived in Japan for several years visits Japan for the foreigner tourist who is going to travel in Japan. The advice of aliasis expresses life-sized Japan which a foreigner feels, and an interesting viewpoint is included for the Japanese.
◆Sushi and wasabi
Representative Japanese foods include sushi, and most tourists should intend to eat genuine sushi since I came to Japan. However, aliasis speaks it when you should be careful about wasabi being in the Japanese sushi basically. And it is a thought of aliasis that it is not necessary to be particular about sushi if weak in hotness of the wasabi. Of course I can order sushi without wasabi and attach the advice to be OK if I ask it "to have liked it without wasabi".

In addition, the unexpected "shocking thing" seems to be included in the material of the Japanese sushi for the tourist. And I advise it when you should enjoy the shocking thing positively.
◆The priest who requires money
It was aliasis which had been living for years in Japan, but did not seem to know that the person like "the priest who required money" did not exist in Japan until it was pointed out to the Japanese of the friend. Even if there is a priest requiring money depending on a country, the person requiring money and goods other than is voluntary, donating property in Japan at least states a traditional Shinto shrine and temple of Japan that you should warn him if you meet a priest requiring money and goods because it is a fraud because I do not exist.

◆I do not expect it of the police
When unfortunately it is a の talk for "a Japanese" that a Japanese police officer is a stouthearted person, aliasis points it out. When I ask a course at police boxes, it is a very reliable police officer, but aliasis feels it when the police officer arrests you in the people for the identification when I hail you with the police officer for "the foreigner" including a person staying like aliasis not to mention a tourist for a long term at random when a foreigner is a member of the crime syndicates automatically. And aliasis speaks it when I do not hear the good reputation of the Japanese police officer in the situation of the foreigner.
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