I have effect of the weak yen, and the number of visit to Japan foreigners increases rapidly, and, for the Tokyo Olympic Games held in 2020, it is anticipated that more tourists visit Japan.
You should obey a custom and the culture of the country "When in Rome do as the Romans do" if you go to according to proverb, the foreign country. And some want to decide to introduce because the plural overseas media gives what "they wanted to know before a foreign tourist comes to Japan". After all it seems to be strange for a foreigner that we think commonly.

1. You do not need to raise a tip
For service given depending on a country, there is a custom to put 10-15% of tips as a tip. There is not the custom of the tip in Japan, but the foreign tourist who experienced high service of the quality that is not exaggeration even if I say the world's highest mountain seems to want to leave a tip.
The writer who had a long life in America can reach the itchy place of Japan; decide it, and yet deeply appreciate warm service.

2. I cannot draw cash by a credit card!
By the credit card published in a foreign country, I do not seem to be able to often draw cash with a Japanese ATM machine.
That reminds me even a debit card was a credit card, but has had the writer paid it and return it in U.S. dollars when the American friend of the writer came to Japan without being able to take down cash in ATM. However, the British friend may be to depend on the kind of a country and the card because I was able to draw cash in the ATM of the convenience store with a debit card of the publication in the U.K.
3. There are few places of the English notation
The stations are transcribed in English, but the name of a building and the street is often transcribed in only Japanese and seems to be often lost when I am looking for a place. Thus, I can employ the navigator of the smartphone and am advised to prepare for the map which the small address and place name get on.
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