4. Prices are not so high If an urban legend, "Japan has high prices" seems to colonize in the foreign country, and really come to Japan for some reason; "a thing is unexpectedly cheap"! と seems with many foreigners feeling nice surprise. I think that it is entirely cheap whether the prices of Tokyo are slightly expensive if I surely compare it with American urban area and Australia, the U.K.
5. You should prepare cash a little too much! Of the second "cannot draw cash by a credit card"! It has a series of に, and there are many places where a credit card cannot use that a foreign tourist is troubled for. I may pay by a card to buy a thing of 1 dollar in the American and European countries, and there are many people who do not carry cash. Because I cannot fully enjoy a stay when I cannot spend money in a destination as expected, the foreign countries media recommends cash to prepare a little too much.

6. A tattoo is hated As old days, the person with the tattoo often does not yet put it in the hot springs because the image of "the tattoo = yakuza" is strong in Japan. Indeed, as for the tattoo, there seem to be many people who do not think, "it is in a problem because I put a tattoo" abroad because it is thought as some fashions.

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