Prime Minister Abe spoke that the next aim "is to aim at 20 million number of the visit to Japan foreigner tourists by 2020 when the Tokyo Olympics are held", but it is delicious, and it may be to the foreign tourist who will increase in future with the times when it is demanded from we Japanese that I cope.
When I guide a foreigner in Japan, a Japanese to receive is thankful to some extent beforehand since before having come to Japan when I acquire knowledge about a country called Japan. Therefore I introduce "nine things that you should know before coming to Japan" that Phoebe of the Australian woman who visited Japan this time advises it with blog. Please refer to the one with the plan to guide a foreigner in Japan.

[4] I understand an art when I get on a train
In addition, Phoebe talks when there is an art to get on a train of Tokyo.
・I do not get on a train in the rush hour. Because it is crushed!
・The place that it is very quiet in the Japanese train, and is peaceful. In deference to Japanese culture, it is important that I am quiet in the same way, and リスペクト does the person of the circumference!
・I do not sit in the priority seat (the elderly, pregnant woman, seat of the person with a disability). I hand over a seat as needed at the common seat
・Because it is the action that it is rude to wake up a thing, an uproar to speak to eating and drinking in a train, listening to music at full blast, talking with a cell-phone, the next person aloud, I do not do it
・When I wait for a train at a home, the Japanese forms a line calmly and waits. I get on in turn without disturbing the row if a train comes

[5] litter bug (person throwing away garbage anywhere) does not have it
The liter bug is a person throwing away garbage anywhere. When Japan hardly loses downtown one garbage with cleanliness, the foreigner admires, but Phoebe is it when this is because it keeps this in mind so that the local government keeps beauty with inhabitants.
The foreigner coming to Japan keeps this like thing "keeping a town at neatly together" in mind, and let's advise it not to throw away garbage on the roadside.
[6] The tip is unnecessary
It is the maximum reward to the person whom the smile of the visitor acts on in Japan. It is not necessary to hand a tip like ですので, Europe and America. If 渡 goes for a tip, it is had a look at a loss and may let you feel indignant adversely. Is about to pursue your back on the run; and "is a this thing left behind"! と tip may have possibilities to be paid.
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