
Kyoto is chosen in the world tourist city ranking first place of popularity with a trip magazine

Kyoto is chosen in the world tourist city ranking first place of popularity with a trip magazine (travel and leisure) and is popular with foreigners. Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine was elected in trip advisers (one of the world's largest trip word-of-mouth communication sites) by the Japanese tourist attraction first place of popularity. I answer it that 97.5% whom answer, 92.2% want to visit again when approximately 90% "is satisfactory", and "there is an impression" in approximately 60% of foreigners want to push it forward to the friend by the questionnaire of Kyoto-shi.

As for the number of the foreign hotel guests, record-high 3,160,000 people, approximately one of 6.2 people of the visit to Japan tourist (19,740,000) stayed at Kyoto in 2015. I did the staying number of people according to the country in order of Taiwan, China, United States, Australia, Hong Kong.
By the visit place questionnaire, it was first place Kiyomizu-dera Temple (65.0%), second place Kinkaku-ji Temple (53.7%), third place Nijo-jo Castle (49.9%), fourth place Gion (49.1%), fifth place Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine (41.4%), around sixth place Kyoto Station (39.4%), seventh place Arashiyama, Sagano (33.0%), eighth place Kyoto Imperial Palace (29.9%), eighth place ギオンコーナー (29.9%), tenth place Ginkaku-ji Temple (28.8%).

 It is an introduction of Nijo-jo Castle becoming the third place in that.
In Nijo-jo Castle (にじょうじょう), Ieyasu Tokugawa was built as a house at the time of 1603 (Keicho era 8) age general visits to the capital. The site (275,000 total area square m) can look at outworks of a castle palace (national treasure), the Higashiote gate (compound sentence), outworks of a castle garden (special natural beauty spot). Nijo-jo Castle is used for an interview with Hideyori Toyotomi and the council of war of the role of Osaka (winter camp, summer camp) and Yoshinobu Tokugawa is used as a place announcing the Restoration of the Imperial rule and rotates strangely at a turning point of the Japanese history and is the castle with laying upon. It was enrolled in 1994 (6, Heisei) age world heritages.

In Nijo-jo Castle, the cherry tree of 45 kinds of approximately 360 is a famous place of the 咲乱 れる cherry tree in spring. I can go Heian-jingu Shrine, Nanzen-ji Temple more to Daigo-ji Temple if I go from Nijojomae Station (subway Tozai Line) close to Nijo-jo Castle to the east. On the contrary, toward the west, I can go to Arashiyama if I change a storm train (Kyoto fortune train) from a subway.

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