
“Scenery like Kyoto”

I extended a trip to that Article 3 Ohashi.
As for the scenery of Kamogawa to look at from here, passage of time is felt relaxedly very much like Kyoto. It is particularly recommended at dusk.
It is the bridge equal to the west end of fifty-three stages of the Tokaido. Here was an entrance of Kyoto in old days. There is the bronze statue of jeering Kita of “the foot journey out of Tokaido” to the sleeve of the bridge, too. The knob of a bridge post which I ask it, and is broken with the sword wound is left by Ikedaya case.

In here, Article 3 Ohashi, Godzilla of the movie “Godzilla” acts violently. Although the view is shut out by the left tree, as for the cityscape, as for such the big change, there are none at the time of an exhibition. Against underarm of To-ji Temple, I destroy Kyoto tawa - which introduced before, and, during a drama, the Godzilla which was in Kyoto goes north. I come over near this Article 3 Ohashi. But the Godzilla goes down it to the Article 5 neighborhood whether it is  breath and why and drops in in Kiyomizu-dera Temple whether you go north more afterwards.

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